The thoughts, impressions & sometimes the ramblings of a digital leader

Category Informatics Leadership

What makes a great IT professional?

Stereotypes are quite destructive things aren’t they? The IT Crowd would have you believe that the most important skill in an IT professional is their ability to treat ‘users’ with complete disdain and to deliver a witty one liner at… Read More

Transition to transformation to continued development.

So there we were, three lads at the back of Mr. Carter’s British History class, Richard H, Richard C (me) and Gary. This was going to be a two year support friendship to ensure we passed a GCSE that to… Read More

What should you never tell the CEO?

What does my boss never want to hear? Ian Cox, a prominent commentator on the role of the CIO recently published an open letter to all CEOs. The letter contains five pieces of advice every CEO should hear about the… Read More

More than building blocks

Do you remember being a kid and playing with Lego? In our house we had a small suitcase full of Lego. It used to make the most horrendous noise as you crashed around the case looking for the specific piece,… Read More

The perfect commute…

The journey to work for so many people across the globe is a miserable experience. Heavy traffic, an alarm call just a little too early, and a squashed train or worse still a missing train. At least once a week… Read More

eHealth Policy & Law in Ireland

The blog article below was originally published in the European Journal of eHealth law and Policy, it is a longer blog article than normal for here but may be a good reflection of the current situation in Ireland and what… Read More

UK CIOs, best in the world…

First published on and re-produced here… The conversations in the room at the CIO 100 events are always inspiring, last year a group of CIOs came together and discussed if the role of the CIO was a horizontally transferable… Read More

Why be social…

A short blog piece first published on in April 2015. The poor guys in editorial at CIO magazine must have had enough of me pushing social media at them over the last year as a topic that CIOs need… Read More

Prevention or cure?

At a recent event I was presented with a question from the floor that caused me to think harder than I have before about how we treat people in health who need access to technology to support what they do.… Read More

Digital Leadership, its all in the words…

A short blog on my views on digital leadership in eHealth and the wider environment… It’s all in the words… Organisations looking at how to modernise healthcare through the deployment of digital solutions are in the process of falling over… Read More

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