What will be; will be,
What won’t be will wasp,
What will wasp will not be,
When we be we really be.

What will be; will be,
What won’t be will spider,
What will spider will not be,
When we be we rarely be.

What will be; will be,
What won’t be will ant,
What will ant will not be,
When we be we never be.

What will be an ant when a spider is better and a wasp can not be worse.
When the wasp is really worse then the spider has to be the way to be.
When nothing matters anymore then the ant has to do.


#Poem2 Sometimes somehting like this just has to get out of my head, I do make an apology for that, sorry. Read best with the beatless mix of Smokebelch II playing in the back ground. Melancholy & be damned!